TurboPass + Lenders

See which lenders accept TurboPass reports

All lenders who accept bank statements and paystubs accept TurboPass reports as valid customer verifications. 


Lender KB page (2)


A message from our CRO, Lou Loquasto:

"TurboPass reports are generated using accurate and reliable data obtained directly from the consumers financial institution, payroll company, insurance company or utility provider. By utilizing this data, TurboPass ensures that the customer verification process is based on trustworthy and up-to-date financial information. 

Lenders who accept bank statements and paystubs as valid documentation recognize the reliability and validity of TurboPass reports as a means of verifying consumer's income, employment and residence. 

If any lender representative claims that they do not accept TurboPass reports, we encourage you to contact us through this form so that our executive team can address and resolve the issue promptly. Rest assured, we are committed to providing our customers with accurate and accepted verification reports to streamline their lending processes."


⭐Again, if you’ve received direct communication from a lender representative saying that their organization doesn’t accept TurboPass reports, please contact us using this form


Lou Loquasto

Chief Revenue Officer

Direct: (484) 881-2300

Email: lou@turbopassusa.com 


Many lenders offer:
  • Waived or deeply reduced bank fees
  • Faster funder
  • More approvals
  • Better terms
Speak with your lender rep today to find out their special offers with TurboPass.
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